What is a household manager?

Household managers assist with the maintenance and upkeep of your home and schedule. Services are customized for each client but generally include:

  • Putting the house back together/house tidying.

  • Sorting and organization.

  • Home projects.

  • Managing household schedule.

  • Coordinating home maintenance services.

  • Concierge services based on your specific requests.

A household or home manager is not a house cleaning service, but is more like a personal assistant catering to you, your family, and your household’s specific needs. I handle those daily tasks that deep cleaning does not address as well as any issues that arise requiring professional assistance such as hiring cleaning staff or helping with travel planning.

What are concierge services?

That’s when a client makes a special request for assistance in an area not covered by one of my existing services. I will discuss the proposal with you and determine if it is feasible for me to provide.

What kind of clients do you have?

Most of my clients are busy professionals such as physicians, CEOs, or engineers, and families who want to spend less time working at home and more time on things they enjoy. Many clients start out overwhelmed with all the items on their to-do list and, within the first couple of weeks, experience lower levels of stress and more relief from the burdens of home and lifestyle upkeep. Many clients employ a maid or housekeeping services but find that deep cleaning does not adequately address daily messes. Clients delight in the relief they feel when they arrive home from a busy day to a clean, tidy home!

How do you price your services?

Services are charged hourly.* Some households only require once-a-week services, and some prefer twice or three times weekly for home upkeep and continuous organization. Weekend services are charged at a different rate.  Additional requested projects are subject to my availability and discretion.

* Hourly rates are subject to change over time. You will always receive advanced notice if there is a change in rates. Weekend services are charged at increased rates.

Do you require long-term contracts?

I do not require a long-term contract. You are required to pay weekly to secure ongoing services. If you suspend services or payment I cannot guarantee availability. If you are going out of town I am happy to continue providing services while you are away.

If, in the unlikely event you are not satisfied with services, I will be sure to address any issues and try to resolve them immediately. If you wish to discontinue services, you may cancel at any time, though I request at least two weeks’ notice before suspending services so I can plan accordingly.

Will you be the person providing services every time?

As my business grows, I will take on new employees to ensure I can fulfill all my client’s needs to their total satisfaction. I will always make sure you are aware of any changes in staffing that will affect you and your family and will do my best to ensure a good fit between you and your service provider. I am always available by phone or email if you have questions or concerns.

Can I request additional hours over my regular weekly hours if I need extra help?

Clients receiving ongoing services are welcome to request additional hours as needed. Availability will depend on staffing and scheduling needs, but I always do my best to ensure my clients are taken care of and satisfied with services!

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